Monday, March 25, 2013

So, about The Ramblin' Man....

I am not a big fan of The Allman Brothers, Waylan Jennings, et. al. I am a big fan of music, pop culture, politics and, let's face it, a lot of other random things. So when I decided to finally put pen to paper (hand to keyboard), coming up with a title was the least of my worries. And thus was born The Ramblin' Man.

I have thought about writing a blog off and on for the better part of 10 years. And in those 10 years, I've started two. I've written a few posts for each, posted them, figured I wasn't going anywhere with it and then quit. Quitting was even easier than starting, so it literally took no effort on my part to give up.

This time, it's different.

As I near the ripe old age of 30, it's become incumbent on me to find a place for my stray thoughts, untested ideas, petty recriminations and the milieu of minutiae that fills my brain while I work, play, think or otherwise. Part of what has consistently held me back when it comes to writing has been my desperate need to avoid the personal. And yet, the writing I most enjoy is almost always deeply personal. I dare say that there's perhaps not much of a point in blogging if it's not going to be of a mind and of a time. So in this space, I'll post everything. I have a variety of interests, so I'm not going to limit myself to one, two or even ten subjects. Life is complicated, messy and, most of all, extremely broad. So why not run a blog in the same vein? I'll link to posts that thrill me, sadden me, stimulate me or madden me. I'll post what's on my mind, what's on others minds, or why our minds should be focused on something they're not. But most importantly, I'm going to write like no-one's reading because if I don't, no-one will.

And that's the final point - blogs have become big business since I was a jejune freshman back in 2001. People that I started reading back then have gone on to become famous writers for respected outlets or proprietors of their own respected outlets. This has happened in all walks of life - politics, sports, music, movies, television - the list goes on. I don't expect nor desire commercial success with this vanity project...after all, I'm not sure it'll appeal to anyone other than me. But a writer needs to write like so much oxygen, and on a certain level, I've always been a writer. Even if those words never left my own jumbled mind, they were always there.

Perhaps it's time to let them out and see what they can do.